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Data Access

Once your project application has been approved and you are ready to schedule time on the MRI, I²AT will create a data collection account for you. Once MRI data is acquired you will receive an automated email with instruction on accessing the data.

QA Status

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a functional imaging sequence based on MRI principles used to detect brain activity. This sequence relies heavily on image quality and stability of the magnet's performance. To verify the stability of the signal produced during fMRI sequence, a detailed quality assurance (QA) test is done with the fMRI sequence performed with a phantom that mimics the human head in an RF head coil. The images obtained from this QA are sent for advanced image processing that generates various image quality measures (e.g. signal-to-noise ratio, percent fluctuation, ghosting levels). This data is monitored by an MR physicist who is responsible in setting up acceptable upper and lower threshold limits for each of these values collected over a specified time frame (i.e. 6 month or 1 year). The data obtained from the daily QA is plotted graphically with the threshold limits marked. The graphical representation of the data helps researchers determine the status of the magnet and its performance on a daily basis. This routine QA scan helps identify any performance or stability issues to the MR system early on and can help expedite services leading to better equipment and image quality stability over a time. Daily QA results and data over time are available here to assist with fMRI research efforts. Please contact us if you have any questions.

MSU MRI Facility Safety

Key-card Access to MSU MRI Facility

Because of the diverse research and clinical activities taking place at the MSU MRI Facility, access to the facility will be liminted to those faculty, staff and graduate students who are actively running experiments requiring MSU MRI Facility access. Other circumstances will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Electronic key cards are given to staff and graduate students when requested by the faculty researcher/PI who is listed as the awardee of the grant.

MR Screening

The MRI system has a very strong magnetic field that may present potential hazards to individuals entering the MR environment or MR system room; especially individuals that have certain metallic, electronic, magnetic or mechanical implants, devices, or objects on or in their person. ALL researchers, staff, students, and any other individual involved with research activities are required to complete a screening form to be evaluated by our technologist prior to entering the MR environment or system room.

MR Safety Training

Because of the hazards of conducting research in a facility with high-powered imaging equipment, I²AT has strict safety requirements of all researchers and clinicians using the medical equipment. Researchers and clinicians using the MRI must view an MRI safety video before accessing the MRI. If anyone arrives for an MR procedure and has not completed the safety requirements, they must remain in the waiting area. Anyone trying to enter the MR area without safety certification will be asked to leave.

MR Area Procedure

Only approved equipment can be taken into the MRI room. Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to take equipment into the room. No one will be allowed to enter the MRI room with any metal object in their possession. All metal objects will be placed in the container provided by the I²AT staff assistant or technologist prior to entering the MRI room or a secure hallway.

Special/Emergency Circumstances

Investigators will notify I²AT and/or MSU of serious or unexpected adverse reactions immediately after the knowledge of event. Investigators will terminate session or experiment immediately, at any time, or at the request of the subject, and will not attempt to pressure or coerce the subject to continue.

Other Information