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Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies (I2AT) equipment and services are operated as a service center under the principle of auditable cost recovery in accordance with University service center policies and federal guidelines. Additional labor fees will apply for training and technical assistance (sample preparation, data analysis, reports etc…). Some sample preparation techniques may require additional consumable costs. Please contact us for consultation.

Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies (I2AT)
FY25 Fee Schedule
(Effective July 1, 2024)
Instrument / Service Internal Other Non-Profit Industry
Staff Training & Technical Assistance (e.g. sample preparation, data analysis, reports) $70 $103 $140
SEM JEOL JSM-6500F $50 $88 $125
Zeiss Supra-40 $50 $88 $125
EDS & EBSD $35 $51 $70
TEM JEOL JEM-2100 (EDS) $75 $110 $150
X-RAY Nikon XT H 225ST X-Ray MicroCT $75 $110 $150
Rigaku SmartLab X-Ray Diffractometer $35 $51 $60
AFM Bruker Dimension Icon AFM $33 $48 $70
Bruker BioScope Catalyst AFM $33 $48 $70
MicroAnalytics RSA-G2 Solids Analyzer, TA Instruments $45 $66 $100
ARES-G2 Rheometer, TA Instruments $45 $66 $100
Microscopes Zeiss LSM 510 Confocal $45 $65 $90
Zeiss AXIOvert 200 / Keyence VHX-7000 $10 $15 $20
Sample Preparation Leica Ion Mill RES102 $15 $22 $30
Leica Ion MillEM TIC 3X $15 $22 $30
EMS 150ES Sputter Coater $15 $22 $30
Reichert- Jung Microtome $15 $22 $30
Autosamdri®-931 Critical Point Dryer $15 $22 $30
Fischione Model 200 Dimpling Grinder $15 $22 $30
SBT Diamond Wheel Saw Model 650 $15 $22 $30
Struers LabPress-1 $15 $22 $30
Struers TegraPol-11 $15 $22 $30
Buehler VibroMet 2 $15 $22 $30
Struers Minitom Diamond Saw $15 $22 $30
User Classifications:
  • Internal – MSU faculty, students, and staff paying with an MSU Banner account number
  • Other Non-Profit - Academic and other non-profit customers billed at a rate that is the internal rate plus the university overhead rate
  • Industry - For-profit customers
Service center rates are computed on the auditable cost recovery principles detailed in the Uniform Guidance, a federal framework for grants management.
  • Rates are proposed to and reviewed by the Controller's Office.
  • Rates are set by (estimated expenses)/(estimated usage).
  • Costs charged to a service center must be allowable, allocable, necessary, and consistently applied.