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I2AT Acknowledgement

Why acknowledge I2AT?
  • Proper acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the impact of the I2AT in support of research.
  • To demonstrate the need for financial and other support to continue to provide our services in the support of research.
When to acknowledge?
  • Anytime the I2AT provides services that support your research.
  • When I2AT staff has made a significant intellectual contribution beyond routine sample analysis, please consider an authorship. This is essential for the professional development of our staff.
Where to acknowledge?
  • Papers
  • Posters
  • Presentations
  • Scholarly Reports
  • Publications
  • Grants

Final copy of any of the above or other published should be provide to I2AT for our reference.

Formats for the acknowledgement:

"Electron microscopy and microanalytical services were provided by the Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technology (I2AT) at Mississippi State University which is supported by various NSF, NIH, DoD, DoE awards and University funding."
"We thank Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technology (I2AT) at Mississippi State University for their Imaging services and technical support. I2AT is supported by various NSF, NIH, DoD, DoE awards and University funding."

Facility Use & Access

  • Users must be registered in Facility On-line Manager (FOM):
    • Provide supervisor and personal contact information
    • Provide valid and 18 digit funded banner account information .(xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx )
    • Use FOM to reserve instruments in advance
    • Inquire technician's availability before reserving with assistance.
  • User access (MSU ID card) is for the sole individual, guests are not permitted into the facility without prior authorization.
    • User must complete equipment and safety training before Badge access can be granted.
    • User Badge access is a privilege granted to users based on need, experience on instruments, ability to work independently adhering to I2AT's procedure, precautions, and safety guidelines.
  • Users must not leave doors open or ajar for any reason. Notify an Instrument Manager if doors are not locked.
    • Violator's access will be suspended.
  • 'Daytime access' is from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, expect for University holidays. Please arrange any special needs during non-business hours
  • 'Anytime access' is available to those who have obtained approval by the appropriate Instrument Manager.
    • Each user must swipe their badge when entering I2AT facilities.
    • Users must only use scheduled equipment.
    • Users must not use their badge to admit others to I2AT facilities unsupervised.
    • Users are responsible for the safety and behavior of anyone they admit into a lab space.
  • Groups of 5 or more guests must contact the lab manager to request access for tours/outreach/demonstrations in I2AT facilities.
  • I2AT facilities are accessible 24/7 excepting closures for maintenance or emergency.
  • Food and drinks are not permitted in the instrument laboratories.
  • Remove samples and clean up after each use. Please help us maintain a clean and efficient environment.
  • Users are discouraged from working alone for safety reason.
  • Below is a flowchart showing the procedure to gain access to MSU resources at I2AT.
    Access Flow Chart

Safety Training

I2AT is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and productive working environment for all users. In order to do this, we partner with MSU's Environmental Health & Safety (EHS). It is important for all users to comply with policies and procedures set forth by I2AT and EHS in these areas.

    Lab safety (biosafety) - Any faculty, staff or students working with biohazardous materials must comply with all Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) procedures. For application and information regarding IBC go to

    Radiation Materials - Any faculty, staff or students proposing to use radioactive materials or instruments that potentially generate x-rays must have the proposal reviewed and approved by the Radiological, Chemical and Laboratory Safety Committee. The University's Radiological, Chemical, and Laboratory Safety, Policy and Procedures Statement must be advised when using radioactive materials. For application and information on radiological safety procedures go to

    Hazardous waste - Hazardous waste must be disposed of properly following the guidelines instituted by the Office of Regulatory Compliance and Safety. For questions and more information on hazardous wastes and guidelines go to

Safety training is mandatory (Introduction to Laboratory Safety), even for personnel who do not work in a laboratory or handle hazardous materials. The following training courses, in addition to the mandatory Laboratory Safety, are either mandatory or strongly recommended for all I2AT users, consult with your PI and the laboratory managers:

  • Hazard Communication
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Fume Hood Safety
  • Chemical Safety
  • Biological Safety Training for BSL2
  • Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Visit EHS's Online Training site and log in with your MSU credentials to access the online safety programs.

Sample Preparation and Storage

  • All users are expected to follow basic laboratory safety procedures.
  • Absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINK is permitted in the sample preparation labs.
  • All solvents are to be kept chemical safety cabinet and used in the fume hood.
  • Waste solvents are to be placed in the solvent waste container in the Satellite waste accumulation area in the prep room. Do not pour any chemical waste in the drain.
  • All samples must be properly prepared to maintain the integrity of the instruments
  • Samples to be examined in electron microscopes must be completely cleaned and thereafter handled only while wearing gloves. They must be stable in the high vacuum of a microscope sample chamber
  • Volatile samples can only be examined after consultation with the equipment managers when a protocol for doing so has been established.
  • All sample will be labeled with owner ID and date of preparation, or it will be discarded.
  • Samples will be disposed of after 6 months of date of preparation.

Equipment Training

  • Training is required before users can use the equipment at I2AT.
  • Training must be requested using the Facility Online Manager (FOM).
  • Only after qualification by I2AT staff may users operate equipment and only within the intended capabilities in normal operation.

Equipment Scheduling

  • FOM automatically logs users on at the start of the reservation time.
  • Equipment reservations are to be booked using the Facility Online Manager (FOM)
  • Users must reserve instrument time on the FOM scheduler prior to using the instrument
  • Daytime access:
    • Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm, except for University holidays
  • Anytime access:
    • Any day and time, including University holidays
  • Users may only use the instrument during their permitted time.
  • Users may only reserve time for themselves; booking on behalf of other users is not permitted.
  • Users may not use another user's session. If a user cannot make their session, they must cancel and allow the other user to reserve a session under their name.
  • Users must log off their reservation on FOM when their usage is complete. A forgot to log off fee will be charged if a user fails to log off.
  • Should you determine that time beyond your reservation is needed, you are required to extend your reservation in FOM.
  • Please do not reserve time more than needed. It is this situation that prevents other users from accessing equipment.

Equipment Use

  • All equipment use must be reserved using FOM.
  • All users must have funding available to cover the fees for use of I2AT equipment. This information must be entered into FOM.
  • Training and qualification by an instrument manager are required in order to use the instrument(s).
  • Equipment damages resulting from user abuse, mishap or negligence will be the responsibility of the user's organization. Examples of such negligence include, but are not limited to, mishandling or physically damaging equipment, installation of unapproved software, attempts to perform unauthorized maintenance, moving or re-configuring equipment, spilling liquids or other substances, using equipment for any purpose other than that for which it was designed, etc.
    • If it is determined that damages resulted from actions of the user, that user or his supervisor will be responsible for the damage and will receive notice from I2AT. Costs associated with restoration of the equipment (including theft, loss, and/or misuse) will be charged to the user's organization.
  • Consumable components (blades, knives, stubs) that are damaged will be the responsibility of the user's organization.

Equipment Problems

  • NEVER attempt or undertake any repair of equipment yourself. ALWAYS contact an Instrument Manager.
  • A I2AT staff member must be notified immediately if equipment is damaged, lost or non-functional.
  • If you experience a problem during your experiment, please logoff using FOM and select 'Something wrong' with a comment. Instrument Managers will receive an email notice and fix the problem as soon as possible.
  • You may request to have the charges waived if the equipment is faulty but not marked 'Down'. Please contact immediately to resolve.
  • You will not be charged if the equipment is marked as 'Down'.


  • All users must have funding available to cover the fees for use of I2AT equipment.
  • If there is a billing question or issue, please contact us at
  • Billing closes on the last day of the month. Requests for billing adjustments must be done prior to this date.
  • Billing adjustments cannot be done through FOM (such as leaving a comment) or by contacting the Instrument Managers.
  • FOM will automatically log you on at the start of your reservation, however it is the user's responsibility to logoff at the end of the reservation. Charges will be assessed from logon until logoff.

Notification and Cancellation Policy

  • User will be emailed 4 hours prior to their reservation.
  • User can cancel reservations within two (2) hours of the reservation start time without charge. Email will be sent to verify.
  • NO cancellations will be accepted within 30 minutes of a reservation. The cancellation policy exists to increase the availability of I2AT equipment and minimize no-shows.
  • If a reservation is canceled prior to the 30 minute period, a cancellation fee will be charged:
    • reserved time or two (2) hours of usage, whichever is less,
    • and if applicable, labor.
  • Failing to cancel a reservation will result in a no-show fee, reserved time charge plus forgot to log off fee.
  • Cancellation fees may be adjusted due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness. Please contact if this situation occurs.

Tools and Supplies

  • Tools for manipulating samples, sample holders and gloves are provided in each instrument room. They may not be transferred to another instrument without permission from an Instrument Manager.
  • Please leave them in a tidy and orderly fashion for the next user.


  • Software or programs, not installed by I2AT administrators, is not permitted to be run or installed by users.
  • Software that may be run on instrument computers is limited to that which is installed for user interface (instrument control) and supplemental software such as is used for x-ray analysis and orientation imaging.
  • Browser use is limited to access of the FOM website for reserving and logging out of sessions.
  • Flash drives and external storage devices (jump drives, memory sticks, SSD, external drives) are not to be used with instrument computers.
  • Computers in microscope rooms are for the exclusive and sole purpose of microscopy – no web browsing, email access or other use permitted.
  • Transfer of data can be accomplished by using FileLocker or SSH alternative drive/directory.

Data Storage and Retrieval

  • The I2AT instrument file server is intended for short-term storage only. It is expected that users will retrieve their data immediately following their instrument session.
  • Data is to be stored on the I2AT computer can be transfer using filesender for non CUI work (
  • Instrument PCs are for temporary storage only and files left on them will be deleted on a routine basis to ensure ample storage capacity for all users.


  • Digital Imaging Ethics: Images are data and must be treated carefully. It is expected that all I2AT users will abide by ethical guidelines in the handling of images and other data.
  • Manipulation of images should always be done on a copy of the unprocessed image data file.
  • If you have any questions on dealing with an image, ask a I2AT instrument manager.
  • Images must be saved in a lossless format (NOT .JPG). Use .TIF, .DM3, or TIA formats, preferably as 16-bit images.
  • As long as intensities are not critical, adjusting the displayed image with brightness, contrast, and gamma is acceptable without annotation. All other image processing steps should be documented.

Users who fail to follow the rules outlined above shall be given verbal and/or written warning on the first offense. A second violation within 3 months of the first will require a meeting with the user, their supervisor, and I2AT staff. A third violation within 1 month of the second will result in a 2-week suspension from I2AT facilities. I2AT staff reserve the right to immediately suspend users who engage in hostility, intentional misuse of equipment/facilities, dangerous behavior, or other severe violations of I2AT policy.