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I2AT provides a variety of training including a Scanning Electron Microscope course in the Fall semesters (EPP 8223), a Transmission Electron Microscope course in the Spring semesters (ME 8144; EPP 8144), materials science certificate, and invidiual equipment training.

Scanning Electron Microscopy

EPP 8223, (3) Hours credit. (Prerequisite: Graduate student, consent of instructor). Two (2) hours lecture. Three (3) hours laboratory. Fall semester. Introduction to the scanning electron microscope and sample preparation methodologies. The course is comprised of both lecture and lab with extensive hands-on specimen preparation techniques for both Life Science and Materials Science samples.

Life Science Samples:
Preparation of tissues by fixation, rinsing, osmication, dehydration, chemical drying (HMDS) and critical point drying (CPD) and coating. Operation of the microscope is covered during weekly training sessions.

Prudent and proper care in the use of hazardous and known carcinogenic materials used in the courses is emphasized in all steps of the instruction process and monitored constantly.

Materials Science Samples:
Preparation of materials samples, ex. metals e.g. Access to the following equipment for sample preparation includes; diamond cut off saw, sonicators, sputter coater and plasma cleaner.

Transmission Electron Microscopy

ME 8144; EPP 8144, (4) Hours credit. (Prerequisite: consent of instructors). One hour lecture. Six hours laboratory. Spring semester. Introduction to the transmission electron microscope and sample preparation methodologies. The course is comprised of both lecture and lab with extensive hands-on specimen preparation techniques for both Life Science and Materials Science samples.

Life Science Samples:
Preparation of biological samples (e.g. animal tissues, bacteria, DNA, fungi, plant tissues, virus') by fixation, rinsing, dehydration, embedding, ultramicrotomy, staining, and operation of microscope.

Prudent and proper care in the use of hazardous and known carcinogenic materials used in the courses is emphasized in all steps of the instruction process and monitored constantly.

Materials Science Samples:
Preparation of materials samples, ex. metals e.g. Access to the following equipment for sample preparation includes; diamond cut off saw, sonicators, sputter coater and plasma cleaner.

Materials Science Certificate

A Materials Certificate is awarded through the College of Engineering in recognition of the completion of an organized plan of study in the interdisciplinary materials engineering & science areas at MSU. To learn more about the certificate program, courses and procedures, refer to the faculty advisors listed on the Materials Working Group.

Informal Training

Non-credit instruction is available on request to those who wish to learn how to prepare samples and/or use any of the equipment (SEM, TEM, Confocal, XRD, accessory equipment) housed at I2AT. To date, no formal courses are available specifically for the XRD or Confocal.